Electric wheelchairs

Optimum comfort, attractive design

Every individual is different. And that is why every electric wheelchair needs to be different too. DIETZ Power succeeds in combining the uniformity required for keeping production speed low and service levels high with the modularity and adaptability the market needs. After first building a sturdy base version, DIETZ Power then set to work on developing different models of its electric wheelchair. This means that there is a suitable DIETZ Power wheelchair for every type of user – for anyone of light and average build, and for heavier users and children too. The wheelchairs can be adjusted to the user and to the particular environment, right down to the very last detail, when needed tailor made.

SANGO family

SANGO advanced

Mid, rear or front wheel drive

The SANGO advanced offers a combination of great traction and comfort for outdoor use with a compact chassis size for tighter manoeuvres when being used in indoor environments.

SANGO slimline

Mid, rear or front wheel drive

The SANGO slimline offers an ultra-compact chassis width of 51cm for the tightest of manoeuvres indoors combined with great traction and comfort for outdoor use.

SANGO advanced junior

Mid, rear or front wheel drive

All of the benefits of the SANGO advanced, fitted with our SEGO Junior seating system.

SANGO slimline junior

Mid, rear or front wheel drive

All of the benefits of the SANGO advanced, fitted with our SEGO Junior seating system.


Front wheel drive

The SANGO xxl offers a specially designed chassis with heavy duty features as standard and reinforced wheels for those needing a robust and reliable powered wheelchair capable of handling larger sizes and user weights of up to 250kg (40st).

Not sure which electric wheelchair is right for you?

We have a dedicated customer service team in the UK who are always available to chat you through your requirements and alleviate any stress from the process. We have a blog which is regularly updated to provide you with helpful guides to aid you in your electric wheelchair selection. We also advise you check out the consumer guides on the BHTA website (the British health trade association).